Frequently asked questions.
What Is the final final date by which you need to get the $300,000?
By the closing date, which right now will be near Dec 1st.
What if you don’t raise the $300,000, what happens to the money in the GoFundMe account?
All of the money that is raised from gofund me is still going towards the building, no matter if we reach the $300k goal or not. If we do not reach the desired $300k gofundme amount, then we will have to find investors or alternative funding sources that will help us get the the equity goal of 5% down, or $300k.
What businesses/nonprofits do you have lined up with leases?
There are a bunch of different businesses that are already in the building. Those that are potentially interested, we cannot formally advertise their interests. What we can say is local and well known nonprofits, a few new small businesses, and also 2 of the spaces will be occupied by me: One will be a media studio space that will focus on creating digital, video, and audio content, and the other will be a community gathering space that can host events like weddings/receptions, conferences, quinceaneras, retirement parties, etc.
What businesses/nonprofits do you envision being in the space?
We would love to have a mix of different businesses in the space. The heart of creating this space is to focus on making sure that we prioritize women and people of color first. After that, we want businesses who are committed to servicing the needs of those who live in and come from north minneapolis. Finally, we envision having businesses that will be able to lean on each other and help each other grow. Collectively, we know how hard it is to run a business, but we hope that there will be a learning space created and share best practices amongst those who we lease to.
What’s your vision for the community space?
My vision for the community space is to convene people, businesses, and ideas, all in one space with the goal of serving each other. There hasn’t been a sit down nice venue in north Minneapolis for as long as I can remember. So I’m hoping to bring some light, newness, events, and creativity to the community space.
What portion of the funds are for the buildout of the space after the purchase? What’s your vision for the buildout?
Everything raised will go towards the building, but right now we are raising money for the equity, which locks in the purchase. My vision for the build out would be to contract and associate with as many women and people of color owned businesses as possible.
What if you don’t raise the $300,000, what happens to What other options are you considering to raise the $300,000?
We are considering asking companies to match gifts or donate, we are asking more individuals with the capacity to give more, and also we will explore investors that identify as women and people of color if we need to.
Why does the closing date keep getting moved back?
The main reason that the close date kept getting pushed back is because we were waiting to hear back from the City of Minneapolis about the CPDF loan amount that we would be given. We ended up having to go through the process twice, unintentionally, but that interruption has been delaying the close date.